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Come learn from the best!

OWL Chiropractic is looking for motivated students who must fulfill their Life University PEAK experience and want to learn how a successfully growing subluxation and cash-based practice operates.

We are a Pierce Results System office in Lancaster, PA. You do not need to have learned PRS before this experience, we are willing to teach you! We have had 5 great student interns who are all successfully running in their careers.

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You will get to learn the Art, Science, and Philosophy of our business systems, communication skills, office flow, PRS analysis utilizing Digital Dynamic Radiography (Motion X-ray), thermography, and specific scientific adjusting - ALL HANDS ON.

We currently have 3 doctors in our growing practice and are looking to offer an associate position if it all comes together the right way.


"Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you, or what it's like to use your products and services."

Robert Rose, Product Designer

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